Tuesday 29 March 2016

Watermelon Margarita

Summer is around and this is my first post on mock tails. This post is special as i am writing after 2 years, yes..,  long gap.. Thanks to the fans for following the blog and liking the face book page.
With a greater hope to continue blogging frequently.. here is the recipe of water melon, lemon mock tail, #Watermelon, lemon mock tail

Ingredients - Makes 4 glasses

Water melon - 300 g
Lemon - 1 no
Lime soda - 1 cup (medium cup)
Ice cubes - 10-15 cubes
Sugar - based on need


1. Cut water melon into pieces - I prefer not removing the seeds

2. Extract lemon juice and keep aside

3. In a juicer , blend the water melon and lime juice together - while blending make sure that it is still pulpy

4. Remove and mix with lemon soda and add sugar as per taste

5. Crush ice pieces and add to the mixer.

6. Serve Chilled.

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